First Boss is Here!

So I now have my first boss in the game! 

Root is a real first challenge. They are intended to really sell the Rogue-Like element concept my game is going for by having a real test of skill for the player. During testing, the boss room is available immediately, and the player is given a team with each starter at level 10 battle with. However only 4 Familiars will be a hard fight, it's recommended to catch a couple more.

Alternatively, you can immediately start exploring and battling along the adventure path. The boss scales to the player, so no matter what it should pose a challenge, but it definitely becomes easier if you explore first.

There are also new feedback forms to check out! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, there can be find under "How to Play"

Next update, storage!


Familiars Play in browser
Sep 11, 2024

Get Familiars Prototype

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